Over the last 30 years Anthony and his team have guided expeditions on nearly every continent. The first descent of rivers, summiting peaks across the globe, exploring remote jungles, crossing challenging oceans and surviving in polar regions.

We have outfitted and guided more than 40 expeditions around the globe. This includes guiding production teams, providing expert technical staff, sourcing and supplying equipment, and assisted with everything from pre-production planning, recce support and advice, right through to full expedition logistics.

We have run logistics for large production teams such as National Geographic/Disney, including outfitting some of the remotest unit bases on locations and even the highest base camps for production teams of 4o people at 4000m in remote Himalayan villages.

We have acted as location advisors on simple recces in the UK, right through to the challenge of supplying and shipping of 4 tonnes of expedition kit to Madagascar, outfitting multiple remote camps for 60 production staff, all facilitated by 15 of our staff – anything is possible with the right team!

Our staff are not only highly experienced guides, but internationally accredited guide trainers too.

Location and Expedition Logistics